
Auction Project

Every year our school hosts a Casino Night fundraiser for parents and teachers. It’s a really fun night! Everyone gets all dressed up and we have a really nice dinner, drinks, gambling, dancing, etc… One of the biggest “money makers” at Casino Night is our silent auction. The K-4 teachers are supposed to put together some kind of class art project for the parents to bid on and the proceeds go to the school. This year I came up with a very simple project that turned out really nicely and I want to share it with you!

First I gave each student a long, thin white strip of paper and had them draw a flower on it. I was very specific about the fact that they had to draw the petals at the very top of the page and that they could make the stem as long as they wanted. I also asked them to make it unique – to draw the most beautiful flower they could imagine and NOT copy the person next to them.

Next I cut out all of their flowers and made sure to rewrite their names on the backs so I wouldn’t forget who the artist was for each one. I used mounting tape to put them all down on a large, black piece of paper and cut off the bottom of the stems. (If they had a cool stem I made sure to add it back on to the bottom of the page).

Then I used a paint marker to write each of their names next to their flowers and put the whole thing inside a 16×20 black wood float frame that I bought at Jo-Ann Fabrics (for less than $20!).

Finally, I printed out the quote, “Every child is a different flower, and all together make this world a beautiful garden”, in exactly the font and size that I wanted.

I placed the quote underneath the glass and traced it, and here is my finished project:

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